Thursday, April 19, 2012


Thursday        Apr 19    West Holt Track Invite – 2 pm

                O’Neill Golf Invite – 9 am

Friday             Apr 20    District Music @ Ainsworth

                ESU Elementary Art Festival

                Ticket Deadline for Athletic Banquet

                “Stand for the Silent” 7 – 9 grades – 3:10 pm

Saturday        Apr 21    Mid States Golf @ Norfolk

                Musical – 7 pm

                Neligh Elementary Honor Band

Sunday        Apr 22    Musical – 2 pm




Please all freshman track athletes to eat at 11:25.  Coach Hilker

Please excuse track athletes at 12: 00 pm.  Track Coaches

Athletes who wish to attend the Athletic Banquet scheduled for Friday April 27 should sign up in Mr. Hostert’s office.  Athletes who sign up can attend the banquet free as the Booster Club will pay for your meal if you sign up.  Curt Tomasevics, Olympic Gold Medalist and Nebraska native, will be the guest speaker for the evening.  Parents are invited to attend and tickets can be purchased at the High School office. Last day to sign up is April 20.
Yearbooks will be for sale Monday-Wednesday, and Friday NEXT WEEK, April 23-25th and April 27th.  This will be the ONLY opportunity this year for those who missed order form day to purchase a yearbook.  Yearbooks are $40 and must be paid in cash or check to OHS at the time of purchase.  Please see Mrs. Gotschall if you have questions.

There are still several prom t-shirts that have not been picked up. If you ordered a prom t-shirt, please come get them from Mrs. Gotschall.

Musical Cast:  Don’t forget to get your ticket sales turned in to Mrs. Ludwig by Friday.  Also the following students still owe and need to pick up musical t-shirts:  Allison Depko, Rahtaya Young, Mark Vavra, Maranda Winter, Aryn Curry & Connor Peterson.

SENIORS:  Any senior interested in giving a speech at graduation must contact Mrs. Crumly by Monday, April 23rd.  Be prepared to present her with an idea of what you want your speech to be about.  The class will note on the speakers by majority via an Angel ballot and English teachers will help make the final decision.  ALSO, any senior needing two flowers for baccalaureate please see Mrs. Vosler by Monday, April 23rd . ALSO, the timeline in the senior hallway will be taken down by Friday. If there is anything you would like to add, please do so before then.
FFA members need to stop by the ag room to sign-up for Meals on Wheels (we will do this April 23-27) and Highway Clean-up (April 27 @ 6:30).

Any FCCLA member who would like to model their prom dress for the residents of the Evergreen and the nursing home please see Mrs. Mann today for a predestined.  

Junior High or High School students interested in taking Driver's Education this summer needs to register by May 1st.  After May 1st the class will be opened up to all students in the O'Neill area until it is full.  The class begins on May 29.  Let Mr. Fernau know ASAP if you would like to take Driver's Ed. this summer.

OPS will be hiring two students again this summer to help with painting and cleaning.  If you are interested see Mr. Brown.

The O'Neill High School Holocaust Literature class would like to invite the community to attend their presentation at the O'Neill Public Library at 6:30 Monday, April 23rd.  The students will present about their studies of The Holocaust, share about "The Remembrance Project", a hands on learning opportunity that culminated in a journey to the National Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C, and discuss how this learning can help support strong community relationships and citizenship in adolescents.  All are welcome, and thank you for your support for our students!  Please contact Katrina Gotschall at O'Neill High School if you have questions.  

There is a list of freshmen on the bulletin board who have not paid their class dues or worked a concession stand.  The dues are $5 if paid before the end of the year and $10 on the last day.  Check the list and let Mrs Fernau or Mrs Hostert know if you think you already paid or worked.

Lost:  A white iPod touch 8 GB fairly new with a scratch on the screen.  If found please return to the office.  Thanks.


Detention:  Apr 16 – Apr 20 / Dale Jackson

All coaches are invited to attend the athletic banquet on Friday April 27.  Please let Mr. Hostert know by April 20 if you and your spouse plan to attend.  The Booster club will pay for your meal if you sign up.    

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