Thursday, October 13, 2011

Who is Justin Lookadoo?

Justin will be speaking at O'Neill High School on October 18th at 1:30

Justin was a Juvenile Probation Officer.
He spent nearly six years as a Crime Prevention Specialist. This allowed him to see the “before” and “after” of crime prevention. Justin developed and implemented programs for 28 elementary schools. By 2000, the referral rate to the department of corrections was 61% LESS than what was projected.

Justin is bilingual.
Many children in the early elementary classes he works with were missing out on important programs because they spoke only Spanish. So Justin moved to Mexico for three months and studied Spanish for eight hours a day. ¡Que Bueno! Now he offers elementary programs in both English and Spanish. It’s very cool to see the kids faces when “the tall man” starts to speak their language.

Justin has a biology degree.
But don’t call him a science geek! He graduated from Tarleton State University, where he spent a lot of time studying the body, especially how it works and how drugs and chemicals can mess up your insides as well as how gender differences impact the development of the human brain. He talks about drugs, not as someone who has tried them (he hasn’t), but as a biologist who knows the truth behind all of the myths. Justin breaks down the complicated jargon into bite-size pieces that are easy to understand.

Justin loves to talk.
Go figure! He has been speaking to groups since 1989 and is excellent at what he does. To date, he has given over 3,000 programs nationally and internationally. He is a member of the National Speakers Association and has been used as a “speaker model” (kind of like a super model) for high school speech classrooms. But even with all of his success, he is the first to point out that his speaking ability is a gift. Just like Michael Jordan has the gift of being a great athlete, Justin has the gift of being a great speaker. And he works hard at it too! He is always researching and finding the edge that will make his programs current and relevant. Check out the Contact page to find out if Justin is speaking in a town near you and how to get him to come to your school

Justin is an award-winning author!
He is a #1 bestselling author for his book Dateable and has had three other books on the bestseller lists. Two of his books have been nominated for the prestigious Gold Medallion Award and he has sold over 275,000 books nationwide. Not bad for a kid whose two worst subjects were reading and writing.

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