Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Wednesday Apr 20 Ticket Deadline for Athletic Banquet

Thursday Apr 21 FFA Officer Team Meeting – 7:15 am – Ag Room
West Holt Track Invite – 2 pm
Staff Appreciation – 2 pm
K – 12 Dismiss @ 1:30 pm
B Golf Invite @ O’Neill – 9 am
O Club Meeting – 11:45 – Lecture Hall

Friday Apr 22 Easter Break – No School

Saturday Apr 23 No Scheduled Activities



Freshman, Sophomore and Junior’s final respect small group meetings TODAY. Steph Prouty’s group will be meeting Thursday.

There will be a meeting for all junior and senior legion baseball players and their TONIGHT at 5:30 in the multipurpose room. We will hand out schedules, set up a practice schedule and discuss the coming year.

There will be an full “O” club meeting on Thursday April 21 at 11:45 in the Lecture Hall. 

MUSICAL CAST PARTY is scheduled on Monday, April 25th at 5:30 pm at Mr. Jaques' house at 210 Ash St. to celebrate 3 fantastic performances!  All cast members are invited!  Dinner will be provided and we'll watch our Sunday performance!  Please RSVP with Mr. Jaques before Monday.  Thanks for another great musical season!

Any FCCLA members who can help hide Easter Eggs at the Golden Living Center (nursing home) on Friday at noon please see Mrs. Mann today.  This sounds like a really fun community service activity.  Also if you missed the banquet last night please see Mrs. Mann today. 

The "Lip Dub" is scheduled for April 27th during 8th period.  Please see your activity sponsors, coaches, etc. to see what (if any) your plans are for participating in this fun event.  Any questions, please contact Connor Peterson, Desi Pinkerman, Hannah Janousek or Tasha Rowe.  

All 9-12 athletes are invited to attend the athletic banquet on Friday April 29th  at 6:30 pm.  1995 O’Neill High School graduate Jeff Wiles will be the guest speaker.  Jeff played football at OHS and later went on to start for Chadron State College.  Jeff is now a successful salesman residing in Chicago.  All 9-12  athletes should sign up in Mr. Hostert’s office no later than April 20 (Wednesday).  All senior athletes need to sign up to in order to be eligible for the senior award.  An awards video will be shown and year end awards will be given out.  Please plan to attend. 

Voter registration has been changed from Wednesday to Thursday in the student lounge the time remains at
11:15 am to 12:15 pm.


Teachers:  Nomination forms for HS Outstanding Students are in your mailboxes.  Please return your selections to Delight by 9:00 am on Tuesday, April 26th .

Teachers:  Nomination forms for JH Outstanding students are in your mailboxes.  Please return to Delight by 4 pm on April 29th.

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