Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Wednesday    April 14    Ewing Boys Golf Invite (JV) – 9 am – Van leaves @ 7:15 am
                Girls BB Meeting – 3:25 – Lecture Hall
                Prom Committee Meeting – Lunch – Room 212 **Bring  your lunch to the meeting**

Thursday    April 15    O’Neill Track Invite – 10 am

Friday        April 16    Kindergarten Buddy Day
                Prom Decorating – All Day

Saturday    April 17    Boys Golf Invite (JV) @ Plainview – 8:30 am – Van leaves @ 6:30 am
                Boone Central Boys Golf  Invite @ Albion – 9 am – Van leaves @ 6:30 am
                History Day State Competition
                Elementary Honor Band @ Neligh
                Prom Banquet – 6:30 pm
                Junior Class Prom Photo – 7:45 pm; Senior Class Prom Photo – 8:00 pm
                Grand March – 8:15 pm
                Prom Coronation – 9:00 pm


Congratulations to Heidi Hostert the new Vice Chair of the FCCLA Student Body Peer Education Team and State Champion in STAR;  Also to Morgan Langan & Miranda Hoefer state runners-up in STAR and to Holly Hesse gold medalist in STAR!!!

The boys basketball has the concession on Thursday April 15 for the O’Neill Invite and Tuesday April 20 for the JH meet.  All players should plan to help out for a while.  Track participants please help out when your events have been completed.  See Coach Hostert if you have any questions. 

Musical Cast who still owe for t-shirts are Cody Lorenz, Connor Peterson & Maureen Rohde. 

Freshmen: Please check the list in the hallway for students who owe class dues.  Get this taken care of right away and save yourself $5.

Cathy Pavel, Holt County Clerk, will be here TODAY during 4C lunch to register eligible students to vote.  You must be 18 yrs old by November 2, 2010 to vote in the May primary election.  82 students at OHS meet this requirement.  Reminders will be on your lockers if you are eligible.  PLEASE REGISTER AND VOTE!  Let your voice be heard.  Sponsored by the Student Council – Jennie Bosn and Allison Depko committee members.

There will be a meeting TODAY at 3:25 in the lecture hall for all girls in 8th-11th grade that our interested in playing basketball next season.

Juniors/Seniors:  College reps visiting OHS this week are:  University of Nebraska at Lincoln TODAY @ 10:30 p.m., and the United States Air Force @ 2:00 p.m. on  Friday.  See the guidance office for a pass.

Athletes who wish to attend the Athletic Banquet scheduled for Friday April 30 should sign up in Mr. Hostert’s office.  Athletes who sign up can attend the banquet free as the Booster Club will pay for your meal if you sign up.  Kori Cooper, former UNL volleyball player, will be the guest speaker for the evening.  Parents are invited to attend and tickets can be purchased at the High School office. Last day to sign up is April 23.

OEA is accepting applications for this year's OEA scholarships.  Two or possibly three scholarships will be awarded this year to students who intend to pursue a degree in education.  Applicants are selected based on demonstrated committment to this career.  Applications may be picked up from Mrs. Hull and are due back in her office no later than Friday, April 23rd.

Registration forms for the Summer Driver’s Ed class are available at the Guidance Office.  Classroom sessions will be held May 26, 27 & 28 and June 1 & 2.  Class times are 1:00 – 5:00 pm.

The NSAA is again sponsoring the “Believer and Achievers” for 2010-11.  48 high school seniors will be awarded this and be eligible for one of 8 scholarships.  If you will be a senior next year, meet the gpa, and participate in NSAA activities you are eligible.  Forms can be picked up from the AD or online at   Entry deadline is July 1, 2010.

Scoliosis screening for 7th & 8th grade students will be Tuesday, April 20 & Wednesday, April 21 during 1st period.  If your parents do not want you to have the scoliosis screening they must call the office or send a note prior to the screening dates.


Prom goers, you and your date must be signed up for the dance and grand march by noon on Friday.  Please see Mrs. Gotschall if you have not yet done this.  The list will be final at noon.

 Prom goers, the public (friends and family members) will NOT be allowed in the gym until the doors are unlocked just before the Grand March is ready to begin around 8:15.  Anyone who is not helping with prom should remain outside the gym until they are invited by staff to enter the gym.  This is necessary in order to make a smooth transition to post banquet activities.  Please share this information with your friends and family, it would be a great help to everyone.

Prom Picture Order Envelopes can be picked up in room 212.  You need to call Studio B for an appointment (not during school hours!) and bring your money the night of prom.  Mrs. Gotschall will NOT collect money for these orders.
All prom committee members and their decorating buddies should pick up their decorating PDs from Mrs. Gotschall ASAP.

 The prom committee will be pre-destined out for decorating on Friday.  Each prom committee member may select one non-committee member to be pre-destined out to help on Friday as well.  ALL committee members should be maintaining at least a C- in all their classes to be pre-destine out for decorating.  Teachers, if you would prefer a student attend class, please feel free to NOT sign their pre-destined for that class.

 Message to ALL Prom goers:  This is a FORMAL event.  EVERY student attending the Prom Banquet, Grand March, or Dance is expected to dress and behave in a manner that reflects the formality of the event.  Students who try to enter Prom who dress or behave inappropriately or in a manner that mocks the event will not be allowed to enter or will be asked to leave.  Let's have a great evening!

Post Prom Tickets will be sold in the multi purpose room during lunch TODAY.  The cost is $2.00 each.  Please bring the correct change. 


Teacher announcements:   All coaches are invited to attend the athletic banquet on Friday April 30.  Please let Mr. Hostert know by April 23 if you and your spouse plan to attend.  The Booster club will pay for your meal if you sign up.   

Please release 7th & 8th grade students during 1st period April 20 & 21 for scoliosis screening when the TA calls for them.  The screening will only take a short time!  Thanks Carolyn G.

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