Thursday, April 29, 2010



Thursday    April 29    JV/V Boys Golf Tri (H) w/Ewing & West Holt – 4 pm
                JH Track @ Ord – 3 pm
                Norfolk Classic Track – 5 pm

Friday        April 30    Athletic Banquet – 6:30 pm
                Parents Night for Girls/Boys Track & Boys Golfl
                Stage Band Tour

Saturday    May 1        NVC HS Track Meet @ O’Neill
                Boys Golf Invite @ West Holt – 9 am
                Boys Golf Invite (JV) @ Pierce – 9 am
                SB Rules Meeting – MP Room


Elections for Student Council officers for next year will be held on May 14th.  To be eligible for an office, students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 and have no failing grades from the previous semester.  The president must be a senior next year, the vice-president a junior, and the secretary and treasurer may be a sophomore, junior or senior.  The president and vice-president will run together as a team.  Prior membership in Student Council is not required to run for an office but is beneficial.  All qualified, willing and interested students who are committed to make our student body the best it can be are welcome to seek office.  See Mrs. Hull for more information.

Congratulations to the following teachers who have been nominated for Teacher of the Year:  Mrs. Barelmann, Mr. Dean, Mr. Hlavac, Mr. Mueller and Mrs. Pongratz.  All students who are in grades 9-12 will vote for Teacher of the Year on Friday during 2nd period.

The following students still owe for track shirts: Revel Koehler; Yami Bentcourt; David Fox; Marcus McNichols; Tristan Moore; Breanna Ross
Shelby Jennings & Thomas Shipperit.

Students-Please check the list outside of Mr. Hostert’s office to make sure you signed up for the athletic banquet  ALSO Students attending the athletic banquet please remember to dress up for the banquet and no jeans please.

All boys basketball team members should sign up for summer team camps and pick up a calendar in Mr. Hostert’s office. 

If any high school students are interested in applying for Developing Eagles teacher positions for the upcoming 2010/2011 school year , please stop by the office and pick up an application. 

In all the craziness of the end of the school year, do not forget to send payment for your yearbook!  Each student filled out a pre-order form back in February and should have received statements in the mail to pay for the yearbooks ordered.  Starting NEXT Monday, you may bring your payment to Mrs. Gotschall in Room 212 and she will mark you as paid.  You must bring your statement with you in order to do so.  If you did not order a yearbook and would like to, the cost is $43.00 and you  may order them from Mrs. Gotschall NEXT WEEK ONLY.  Please bring exact change.

All football players:  Many of you still have not turned in your goal sheet or your parent handbook form.  Hand these into either Coach Kallhoff or Coach Brown asap. Those missing one or both of these include Jacob Bennets, Tony Castro, Derek Krieger, Jackson Latzel, Marcus McNichols, Cole Aufdenkamp, Morgan Sterns, Josh Womack, Travis Schmitz, Michael Skopec, Mark Vavra, and Alejandro Vergara.  There is only 12 of you left to do this…. Don’t be the last one.


Reminder: We will be holding a para in-service tonight at 3:30 in Mod 3.  Topic: How Students Qualify for a Specific Learning Disability and Other Health Impairments. Attendance is optional. J

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