Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Wednesday May 11 No scheduled activites

Thursday May 12 Ainsworth Golf Invite – 10 am
Class B District Track @ Columbus
JH Honors Convocation – 2 pm
6th Grade All Stars @ El Commons – 6:30 pm

Friday May 13 4th Grade Field Trip
Kindergarten Field Trip

Saturday May 14 NE JH Track Championships @ Gothenburg - Noon



There will be a quick Junior Class meeting at 11:10 in the High School library TODAY.  Mrs. Crumly and Mrs. Gotschall need to provide you with very important information regarding your Senior Year.  ALL JUNIORS MUST ATTEND, and attendance will be taken.  It will be over by lunch. 

All track athletes who are done for the season need to hand in their track equipment by and fill out an evaluation by TODAY. Coach Hilker

HS Band & Choir: Trip forms and money are due today! Get them in to Mr. Dean!

HS Band: Get your uniforms cleaned and returned!

If you are planning to sign up for summer school please see Mr. Brosz.

Student Council Officer Elections will be held during 3rd period classes on Friday.  All students in grades 8-11 will vote.

There will be a Student Council meeting on Tuesday, May 17th at 7:30 a.m. in Mrs. Mann’s room.  All members please plan to attend.

The local clinics will again be offering sport physicals for the 2011-12 school year.  All students entering grades 7-12 in the fall of 2011 that plan to be involved in PE and or a sport will need to have a current physical in order to participate.  All 7-8 students will need a physical for PE class.  The clinics will have our physical forms available.  Please bring a urine sample with you.  Physicals given on other dates you will be charged the full price by the clinics.  Please see Mr. Hostert if you have questions. 
Elkhorn Valley Medicine:  May 25 & August 10 from 5-7 pm.  Cost $5
Avera Holt County Medical & O’Neill Family Practice:  Physicals given at St. Anthony’s hospital on June 16 & July 20 from 5-7 pm.  Cost-Free. 

Applications for NSAA Believers and Achievers can be found on line at  Each year the NSAA recognizes 48 students with this honor.  If you have questions please see Mr. Hostert as all seniors are eligible to apply.

Musical DVD's are available now!  See Mr. Jaques to get your copy for only $1 now through next Thursday.

SHOW CHOIR MEETING after school on Friday in the music room.  Any interested student in grades 9-12 next year may attend.  If you cannot attend, please let Mr. Jaques know to get the information.

FCCLA members: We’ll clean the highway road ditches after school on Thursday – weather permitting. Meet in Mrs. Mann’s room.

The last day to check out books from the library will be Friday, May 13th.

The following students need to return their musical books to Mr. Jaques ASAP!  Allison Depko, Morgan Langan, Kurtis Mlinar.

If you are planning to attend a school related training, activity, etc., over the summer, remember to fill out a green sheet. The green sheets help in many ways as far as planning, budgeting and School Improvement.

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